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Herb Roasted Chicken Legs in Red Wine and Madeira Sauce

Herb Roasted Chicken Legs in Red Wine and Madeira Sauce

Herb Roasted Chicken Legs in Red Wine and Madeira Sauce

Chicken legs aren’t always thought of as the most elegant of foods, but it’s fun to take a different look at things and try to rework ingredients. These chicken legs are very tasty, and the Madeira sauce is definitely worth the effort.

The recipe for the roast chicken can be found here and the directions for the Madeira sauce are listed below.

Also pictured above is a Roasted Garlic Whipped Potato Purée and a Pea and Mint Purée


  • Chicken legs

  • Red wine

  • Madeira

  • Balsamic vinegar

  • Onions

  • Garlic

  • Rosemary

  • Thyme

  • Parsley

  • Lemon

  • Cumin

  • Olive oil

  • Salt (to taste)

  • Pepper (to taste)


After your chicken has cooked (roast chicken leg recipe) remove your chicken legs and any rosemary or thyme stems (but leave the leaves). Pour everything into a blender (pan juices, onions, garlic, etc), skim as much oil as possible off the top, and blend thoroughly.

Next, strain the mixture through a sieve into a pan. Add a bit more red wine, and Madeira, and reduce it on high heat.

When the sauce has reduced enough, lower the heat and add a bit of butter. Mix it to bring the sauce together, and lightly dust with flour to tighten the sauce if needed (you could also just start the sauce with a roux at the beginning – not necessary though).

When the sauce is about ready, finish with a bit more lemon juice and it’s ready to serve.

Other Recipes in this Dish

Red Wine and Herb Roasted Chicken Legs
Roasted Garlic Whipped Potato Purée
Pea and Mint Purée

Dish and Photo by Adrian Rodriguez

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Offer expires 11/28/2024

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