Rustic Bread
Fresh rustic bread is just a great thing in life. This dough is easy to make, and can be used for pizza as well.
Start by mixing your warm water, yeast, and salt in a bowl. Let the yeast and water sit for 5 to 10 minutes to allow the yeast to start working.
Next, add in 5 cups of flour and mix until the dough begins to come together. Turn the dough out onto a chopping block or work surface, and knead in as much of the remaining cup of flour as is needed. The dough should be slightly sticky, and not too dry.
Knead the dough for about 10 minutes, and then set aside in a covered bowl to rise for about 1 hour (or until it has about doubled in size).
Once the dough has risen, shape two loaves in the shape of your preference, and let rise for another hour (optional).
Midway through the final rise, you’ll also want to begin preheating your oven with a pizza stone (optional) to 425 degrees for at least 20 minutes.
Once the final rise is done, dust the outside of each loaf with flour, and cut a slit or two on the top of each one.
Next, sprinkle a pizza board with cornmeal and place your loaves on them to transfer to your oven (you could also bake the loaves on a baking sheet sprinkled with corn meal).
Once the loaves are in the oven, quickly spray a bit of water into the oven and close the door. The moisture will help develop a better crust during the baking process. You could also place a pan of water on the bottom rack of your oven, to achieve similar results.
Bake the bread for 20-25 minutes, depending on how golden you’d like the finished bread, and let cool for at least 30 minutes before cutting.
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