Cucumber Herb Salad with a Poached Egg
This is a simple salad that’s light and refreshing, and it makes a great breakfast or brunch.
Start by whisking white wine vinegar and olive oil together. Mix in a drop or two of honey, then season it with salt and pepper. The level of acidity is really to your taste as well, so add more vinegar or olive oil as needed.
Poached Egg
Bring salted water to a boil and add a tablespoon or so of vinegar. When your water is boiling, give the pot a good stir (to create a vortex of sorts) and add your egg. Cook until the egg becomes opaque and can be handled with a spoon without breaking.
When the egg is cooked, remove it from the pot and place it on a plate (or paper towel) until you’re ready.
Start by slicing your cucumber, lengthwise, into very thin strips. Place your poached egg on the plate (season it with salt and pepper), then arrange your cucumber, and herbs around it. Drizzle on a bit of your vinaigrette, then serve and enjoy.
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