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Turmeric Banana Black Pepper Smoothie With Coconut Milk

Turmeric Banana Black Pepper Smoothie With Coconut Milk

Turmeric Banana Black Pepper Smoothie With Coconut Milk

This is a really healthful smoothie and the pepper is not just a gimmick. The piperine in the black pepper helps your body absorb the turmeric (or curcurmin), which would otherwise largely be lost. So, the black pepper in this drink is integral if you’re interested in the health benefits. You could also add a bit of honey, depending on how sweet you like it.


  • Turmeric (fresh)

  • Ginger (fresh)

  • Banana

  • Black Pepper

  • Coconut milk


Start by peeling your turmeric (3 to 4 one inch or so pieces) and ginger (1/2 to 1 in chunk), then throw all of your ingredients in a blender, blend, and enjoy.

As a word of caution as well, the turmeric really stains whatever it touches (including your hands), so you’ll just want to keep that in mind when you’re peeling and handling it.

Dish and Photo by Adrian Rodriguez

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