Steamed Tilapia with Spicy Broccoli Chili Sauce
If you like spicy food, this is a delicious dish that will wake up your taste buds.
Start by steaming your tilapia filets until they are cooked through. If you don’t have a steamer, you can also bake these in the oven. Just place a cooling rack in a large baking dish, then fill the dish with hot water (to just below the level of the rack). Next, place parchment paper on the rack, followed by your tilapia filets, then cover the dish with foil.
Bake the filets at 350 degrees for approximately 10 minutes (the baking time really depends on the thickness of your filets), until they are cooked through.
While the filets are cooking, prepare your sauce. Start by sautéing finely minced garlic and ginger in a bit of olive oil until they just begin to brown, then deglaze your pan with white wine. Add a bit of white wine vinegar as well, then reduce it slightly.
Next, add your chili sauce, along with your minced broccoli tops (just cut the very top of the broccoli buds off), and soy sauce, then remove it from the heat. Add honey, salt, and pepper, then drizzle in a few drops of lemon juice.
Also, slice some broccoli stalks, and blanch them in boiling water, along with broccoli leaves for 10-15 seconds.
When your fish is cooked through, arrange it on your plate, then add your sauce, and finish with your sliced broccolis stalks and leaves.
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