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Salt-drawn Sirloin with Parsley Balsamic Chimichurri

Salt-drawn Sirloin with Parsley Balsamic Chimichurri

Salt-drawn Sirloin with Parsley Balsamic Chimichurri

Salting your beef and allowing it to sit for a period before cooking it, can elevate the flavor and texture of an otherwise average cut. This is a simple and delicious salt-drawn steak that uses this technique with sirloin.


  • Sirloin steak

  • Parsley

  • Garlic

  • Olive oil

  • Balsamic vinegar

  • Salt

  • Pepper


Start by salting both sides of your steaks with kosher salt (or sea salt, but not regular table salt). Sprinkle slightly more than you would use to season the steak (you’ll wash it off later), but not anywhere near what you would use to make a salt crust.

Next, let your steaks rest in a covered dish for 1 hour per inch of thickness. It also helps if your steaks are at room temperature for this.

While the steaks are resting, make a quick chimichurri by whisking together minced garlic, finely chopped parsley, olive oil, and balsamic vinegar.

When the steaks are done resting (you’ll notice that the salt has drawn a lot of water from the meat), rinse them thoroughly to remove excess salt, then dry them thoroughly.

Next, sauté the steaks on high heat, in a bit of oil, until they’re done to your liking, then let them rest for 10-15 minutes (depending on the thickness).

When the steaks have rested, spoon on your chimichurri, serve and enjoy.

Dish and Photo by Adrian Rodriguez

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