Orange and Garlic Roast Chicken
This is a tasty roast chicken that’s fairly easy to make. Serve this with a veg, and rice or potatoes, and you’ve got a great meal.
Start by removing the back bone from your chicken (add the backbone to your roasting pan), and flatten it in a roasting pan. Drizzle orange juice, white wine, white wine vinegar, and lemon juice on both sides. Then Drizzle with olive oil, and season with minced ginger, salt, and pepper.
Add several whole cloves are garlic to your pan, with slices of orange, and chopped lemon grass.
Add chopped parsley, then bake at 350 degrees for approximately 1.5 hours.
When the chicken is done, let it rest for 20 minutes, then drizzle with orange and lime juice. Add more chopped parsley, serve and enjoy.
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