Cheesy Breakfast Mashed Potatoes with a Poached Egg
I pretty much love poached eggs, and when the yolk mixes with the cheesy potatoes in this dish, it makes for a great bite of food.
Mashed Potatoes
Start by peeling and quartering your potatoes, then boil them until they are cooked through. Mash them in a bowl, and mix in butter, milk, sour cream, cheese, salt, and pepper. Lumps are fine in this dish as well. So you don’t have to be too precise, but you could use a ricer if you’d like a smoother mash.
Poached Eggs
Bring salted water to a boil and add a tablespoon or so of vinegar. When your water is boiling, give the pot a good stir (to create a vortex of sorts) and add your egg. Cook until the egg becomes opaque and can be handled with a spoon without breaking.
When the egg is cooked, remove it from the pot and place it on a plate (or paper towel) until you’re ready.
When everything is ready, spoon your potatoes onto your plate, then place your egg on top, and garnish with chopped parsley.
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