Grilled Chicken Kabobs
These grilled chicken kabobs are simple and delicious.
Start by marinating your chicken in a mixture of lime, balsamic vinegar, turmeric, cumin, minced garlic, olive oil, salt, and pepper. Allow the chicken to marinate for at least 30 minutes (but longer is better).
Next, chop your red bell pepper, and onion into large chunks, and sautée them briefly in a bit of olive oil. This step is optional, but it helps ensure that the vegetables are well caramelized (as the chicken will cook faster than the vegetables), which improves the overall flavor.
Also, microwave a couple of potatoes for 3-4 minutes to start the cooking process.
When your chicken has marinated, and your vegetables have cooled a bit, arrange them on skewers, and grill them on medium to high heat, until the chicken is fully cooked.
If you have wood chips as well, smoke will add a great flavor.
When the chicken is done, serve the kabobs on or off the skewer. Drizzle with a bit of olive oil and lime juice, season with a coarse salt and cracked pepper, and enjoy.
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